Reversing Chronic Disease for Forty Five Years

Reversing Chronic Disease for Forty Five Years

Follow These Attributes of Successful Patients and Regain Your Health!

Paul A. Goldberg, MPH,DC,DACBN,DCBCN
The Goldberg Tener Clinic
Chronic Disease Reversal

Perusing the 200 plus video and written patient testimonials on the Goldberg Tener Clinic website, representing numerous medical diagnoses, a common question is: Which patients are most successful in recovering their health and vitality? The answer opens the door to everyone seeking to end their chronic disease.

Reversing Chronic Disease Conditions is not a matter of luck, wishing or wanting, being deserving, being young or having good genes. It is a matter of understanding the causes of one’s health problems and directly addressing them.

In a prior article I elicited reasons why people fail to get well from Chronic Disease. Let’s now explore the attributes involved in successfully reversing chronic disease. Here are common attributes of successful patients I’ve worked with over the past four decades:

1. The successful patient escapes the treatment mentality. 

“Medically Managing” chronic disease conditions is equivalent to saying…”you will be sick your entire life but we’ll provide “treatments” to make you less uncomfortable as the disease progresses. The successful patient rejects this failure mindset. They understand that simply because the Medical Profession cannot reverse their disease does not mean they cannot get well if they follow the right path. Rather than “treat” disease, the successful patient identifies and addresses the causal factors behind the disease. We refer to this as “Clinical Epidemiology,” an integral part of the Goldberg Tener Clinic Bio-Hygienic ApproachTM to Chronic Disease Reversal. The successful patient understands that medicine fails to uncover and address causal factors. This same failure is also reflected with practitioners referring to themselves as practicing “Functional, Alternative, Integrative or Naturopathic Medicine.” In these practices, “diagnoses” are bandied about such as SIBO, Candida, Hypoglycemia, Leaky Gut Syndrome and Dysbiosis. These titles might apply to the symptoms that are occurring but fail to address why those symptoms are occurring. Treatments given are therefore non-specific to the individual and fail to bring about lasting results. For more on this please read our article: “Escape the Treatment Mentality”.

The following interview is with a patient that reversed chronic, severe hives under our care after thirty years of medical management / treatments. She successfully escaped the treatment mentality and addressed the causal factors behind her disease with our guidance.

2. The successful patient is actively engaged.

The passive role that patients take in most offices is not a part of the successful patient’s action plan. Successful patients know that while the doctor must help identify causes and develop a program to address those causes, the patient must engage and take responsibility for implementing the program without excuses or delay. Read our article “The Time for Decision and Action”.

The following interview is with a successful patient that reversed chronic health issues (colitis, diverticulitis, diabetes, hypertension) spanning nearly twenty years with numerous hospitalizations, drugs, surgery and other medical treatments being employed. His effort, patience and perseverance paid off with significant improvements seen within the first six months. Click here to see the full case write up and before/after labs.

3. The successful patient puts the past behind them and focuses on the present.

The successful patient’s past failures, whether financial, health, marriage, or other prior decisions go by the wayside. They do not waste time feeling sorry for themselves or trying to get others to pity them. They move forward knowing that getting well takes focus and the successful patient focuses on the present.

The following interview is with a successful patient that reversed severe Ulcerative Colitis triggered by a routine, “preventive” colonoscopy. Ms. Good put this tragic event behind her and worked hard with us to reverse her condition and restore her health. 

4. The successful patient accepts there will be bumps on the journey to getting well. 

Uncomfortable symptoms are part of the recovery process. Successful patients take both the good days and the bad days in stride knowing that both are necessary parts of returning to health. When there are symptoms the patient does not run for drugs to suppress them but rather supports their body with the essentials of health, particularly increased rest and sleep, working to create the right conditions for health renewal.

The following interview is with a successful patient that endured numerous ups and downs including periods of significant drug withdrawal (prednisone in particular) in the course of reversing his Rheumatoid Arthritis. Tom possessed what we refer to as “The Will to Get Well” which contributed to his success. Click here to see before/after test results.

5. The successful patient uses “supplements” conservatively.

Supplements are just that…supplements to a program and should not constitute the foundation of any health program. They have overcome the pill mentality whether in the form of drugs, herbs or other supplements.

In the video interview below, Meghan reveals that she was taking 20-30 supplements per day prior to seeing us while continuing to see her health decline, a common scenario in the realm of alternative and functional medicine. Meghen escaped the pill / supplement mentality and successfully reversed her Hypothyroid condition by address causes and leaving the world of treatments behind. Click here to see the full case write up and before/after labs.

6. The successful patient knows they need guidance from a skilled practitioner who is well educated, experienced and attentive.

The successful patient knows he or she must take primary responsibility for their health but that professional guidance is required to view them from the outside, be objective and guide them appropriately through both the good times and the uncomfortable ones. In the video interview below, Griselle discusses the important role our support and guidance played in her reversing her Rheumatoid Arthritis and regaining her health.

7. The successful patient gives priority to their health and their health building program.

The successful patient does not make excuses for failing to stick to their health program because of holidays, special occasions or other reasons. They know and live by the slogan “if it is going to be it is up to me.” The following interview is with a successful patient that dedicated himself to implementing the program we developed for him and reversed Chronic Psoriasis.

8. When the successful patient makes a mistake, they get back on track. 

When the successful patient makes a mistake in following their program regarding sleep patterns, dietary factors, getting emotionally upset, or failing to follow any other element of their program, they don’t blame others nor beat themselves up about it. They admit they slipped and get back on track. They know no one is a failure until they give up.

9. The successful patient devotes themselves to their entire health program. 

The Successful Patient avoids placing excessive emphasis on a single part of their health program such as diet or supplements. They implement all aspects of their program fully.

10. The successful patient is PATIENT.

The successful patient does not seek quick fixes; they go for the real, understanding that just as it takes a good deal of time to evolve into chronic illness it takes time to Re-Create the body and restore good health. They know that health cannot be recovered by ignoring causal factors or by plying themselves with pharmaceuticals, potions, pills, nostrums, hormones and therapies unrelated to why they became ill. The successful patient puts value on their health, takes the right path and makes the needed effort to become victorious.


The Goldberg Bio-Hygienic Approach™, focuses on identifying and addressing causes and creating the right conditions for health to evolve. It requires hard work and the will to get well. The rewards? A reliable pathway to good health, a high state of vitality and enjoyment of life.

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