Chronic Headaches

Recent Case Studies

Improvements in each case resulted from addressing causal factors and employing health promoting nutritional and hygienic steps not through the treatment of any medical condition. Every patient is different and results may vary from patient to patient.

Causes Identified. Causes AddressedHealth Restored.

Case #1: Chronic Migraines, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, SIBO

Dimitra suffered from Chronic Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Digestive Issues / SIBO . Her medical physician prescribed pain killers, Adderall, Vyvanse and migraine medication which she took for years. Since coming to the Goldberg Tener Clinic and undergoing an individualized Bio-Hygienic Program, her aches and pains are gone, her energy is excellent (she no longer needs naps and can exercise regularly), her digestion is significantly improved and she is no longer having migraine headaches. She is off all drugs.  

Case #2: Chronic Headaches, Chronic Fatigue, Weight Gain, Allergies, Low Libido

Shellae came to the Goldberg Tener Clinic suffering from Chronic Headaches, Chronic FatigueWeight Gain, Allergies and Low Libido. Since coming to the Goldberg Tener Clinic and implementing the individualized Bio-Hygienic Program developed for her, Shellae lost 37 pounds, her energy significantly improved, she no longer experiences headaches, her allergies are virtually non-existant (no longer takes Zyrtec daily) and her sex drive has increased. She is off all drugs.

Case #3: Chronic Migraine Headaches, Allergies, Asthma, Fatigue

Peter came to the Goldberg Tener Clinic in 2015 having suffered with chronic migraine headaches, asthma, allergies and fatigue. His symptoms made it difficult for him to attend school and engage in normal daily activities. After just 3 months of care, Peter reports 90% overall improvement in his condition. He is drug free.

Click here to see Peter’s before/after lab work.

Case #4: Chronic Migraine Headaches and Digestive Issues

Meredith came to the Goldberg Tener Clinic suffering with severe migraine headaches and chronic digestive issues for over 10 years. She was taking numerous prescription drugs at the time of her initial visit. At the Goldberg Tener Clinic, a comprehensive work-up was performed and key underlying factors were identified. Based on the data collected, an individualized program was developed for the Meredith to follow. After six months, she reports 70% overall improvement in her condition.

Case #5: Chronic Migraine Headaches, Hypothyroidism, Chronic Fatigue, Hormone Imbalances, Hypertension

Alisen came to the Goldberg Tener Clinic with a plethora of symptoms including migraine headaches, constipation, leg spasms, skin pain, hair loss, muscle pain, bloating, weight gain, fatigue, high blood pressure and vision changes. Her Medical Physician prescribed numerous drugs for her to take but her health continued to deteriorate.  Alisen reports 90% overall improvement in her health since coming to the Goldberg Tener Clinic and has been able to get off many of the drugs she was taking previously.

Case #6: Chronic Migraine Headaches, Vertigo, Chronic Fatigue, Hypoglycemia

Cynthia came to the Goldberg Tener Clinic suffering from chronic migraine headaches, vertigo, chronic fatigue and hypoglycemia.  After just three months of care, Cynthia reports a significant reduction in the frequency of her migraine headaches (from 2-3 per day to 1-2 per week) as well as a reduction in vertigo. She lost 25 pounds and her energy has improved.

Case #7: Headaches, Chronic Digestive Issues, Depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Sleep Apnea, Overweight

Andy presented with headache, chronic digestive issues, depression, chronic fatigue and sleep apnea. He previously had numerous medical tests and exams and was prescribed drugs including antidepressants. Andy is now drug free and reports 100% improvement in his symptoms in just 60 days. In the process of improving his health, he has lost 23 pounds.

Case #8: Headaches, Severe Chronic Constipation, Bloating, Fatigue

Kelsey came to the Goldberg Tener Clinic from North Carolina suffering with chronic constipation, bloating, headaches and fatigue. She was told by her Gastroenterologist that she would need to use laxatives for the rest of her life.

Kelsey’s bowels are now moving regularly without laxatives and her headaches and fatigue are a thing of the past!

Click here to read Kelsey’s written testimonial.

Case #9: Migraine Headaches, Chronic Fatigue, Hypothyroid, Depression

Laura presented with Migraine Headaches, Chronic Fatigue, Hypothyroidism and Depression. Her Endocrinologist prescribed Synthroid. (see Dr. Goldberg’s article regarding the dangers of Synthroid and other thyroid replacements). She was also prescribed Celexa, Norytriptyline and Imitrex to treat Migraine Headaches.

After ten months of care at the Goldberg Tener Clinic, Laura’s Thyroid Lab work is normal. She is drug free. Her energy and mood are significantly improved. Migraine headaches have reduced by 75-85%. Click here to see Laura’s before/after lab studies.