Griselle Reverses Rheumatoid Arthritis!

Griselle Reverses Rheumatoid Arthritis!

Griselle Conquers Rheumatoid Arthritis after 9 Year Struggle

Griselle began experiencing severe joint pain in 2012 and was later officially diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2014 by a Medical Rheumatologist. She received standard medical drug treatment for many years including Prednisone, Plaquenil, Meloxicam and Humira but her health continued to deteriorate. Like many patients diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis, her symptoms became debilitating over time and significantly interfered with her ability to work, be active and enjoy the many pleasures of life.

Griselle came to the Goldberg Tener Clinic in 2019 where she underwent an extensive evaluation including a comprehensive interview,  physical examination and laboratory testing. An individualized Bio-Hygienic Program™ was developed for her to address the causes of her condition and Re-Create her Body™. This is much different than treating/suppressing symptoms with drugs and other therapies which ignore causal factors and have significant potential for side effects. At the time of Griselle’s initial appointment, laboratory testing revealed that her blood sugar was in the diabetic range, a common side effect resulting from the steroids (Prednisone) she had been taking via her Rheumatologist (Read our article “Problems with Prednisone).

Griselle put forth significant effort over an eighteen month period and endured numerous ups and downs in the process of regaining her health. She exhibited tremendous patience and perseverance, two essential ingredients when working to reverse chronic health issues that had been over a decade in the making and complicated by the toxic effects of prescription drugs. Griselle is now entirely drug free, reports no pain in her joints and has regained a youthful vitality and an exuberance for life that was previously lost due to chronic illness. Her laboratory studies reflect the significant improvement she has achieved as shown below.

C-Reactive Protein Before/After

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is a measure of systemic inflammation that is used to monitor disease activity in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and other chronic inflammatory disorders. Griselle’s CRP was significantly elevated initially at 8.3 (normal is <3.0) indicating an elevated level of inflammation consistent with the high degree of pain she was experiencing. This was while receiving drug treatment via her Rheumatologist. Her CRP is now 0.5  (off drugs) which is a healthy, normal result indicating a very low level of inflammation. She is pain free.

CRP BeforeCRP After

  • Andy Latham
    Posted at 13:55h, 28 February Reply

    Very very informative!
    Enjoyed reading the articles.
    I am in the beginnings of my own immune disease reversal, for a diagnosis of Anklylosing Spondalitis
    I have had tremendous success working with the Goldberg Tener Clinic and I plan on continuing to work with them to cure myself from taking so many prescription drugs that have been causing so many side effects rather than curing anything.
    My progress on curbing my need for these drugs has been very promising and I am looking forward to not needing any of these few remaining prescription.
    Besides not needing these prescriptions, The Goldberg Tener Clinic has helped me to lose 27 lbs. and feel even better and I thought I was feeling great for my diagnosis.

    • David Tener
      Posted at 02:53h, 01 March Reply

      Thank you for your feedback, Andy. We are delighted with your progress!

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