
All the knowledge in the world means nothing if we don’t act on it. It is important to not confuse knowing for doing. Knowledge plus action gives us the power to make constructive, positive changes in our health. Knowing and not doing gives us the...

Having explored the health destroying effects of loneliness in Part I of this series we would be negligent if not pointing out that companionship comes in a variety of flavors. Companionship can come from a spouse, relative, child, best friend, parent, sibling or from an...

Man does not live by bread alone. Even with the addition of sunlight, air and water we do not have the recipe for a whole life. Humans, like most animals, are not solitary creatures. We need “significant others”. We have a need to relate to...

How you order your present and future life is largely in your hands. With the right actions we move towards vigorous health. In doing so, when we reach the end of our days, we can look back on a responsible life that took full advantage...

Health Care Practitioners have been widely misinformed as to the causes of “Osteoarthritis” and how to address it. Millions of patients have received inappropriate information and care from their health care providers leading to ongoing disability that might have been prevented....