
Inflammatory Bowel Disease, (IBD), is a general term referring to inflammatory diseases of the intestines of (medically) unknown etiology (cause). It includes the major syndromes of Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Few appreciate the extraordinary suffering people endure from chronic inflammation of the intestines/colon. Children and adults alike suffer from these syndromes, which often result in a lifetime of poor health, pain, life altering hardships and hopelessness.

By Dr. Paul Goldberg

Rheumatoid and other sufferers with autoimmune disorders have conditions that affect the entire body. For those diagnosed with any of well over 100 autoimmune disorders, e.g. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, etc., the chronic discomforts are often excruciating. 

A Sea of Agony

I know as a former Rheumatoid Disease sufferer, the daily pain that patients endure, making life a sea of agony. Patients often go to a variety of practitioners seeking help, from medical rheumatologists to a myriad of "alternative practitioners." Most find little in the way of answers as to how they can regain their health.