Case 3: Severe Hives, Asthma, Allergies

Case 3: Severe Hives, Asthma, Allergies

Case 3: Severe Hives, Asthma, Allergies

Isabella was diagnosed by a Medical Endocrinologist with Grave’s Disease (Autoimmune Hyperthyroidism). Her blood work showed a very low TSH level and high T3 and T4 (see before/after lab work). The Endocrinologist prescribed Methimazole and recommended either surgery to remove the Thyroid or radioactive iodine to burn out the gland followed by Thyroid replacement therapy (Synthroid).

Isabella is now drug free and in excellent health. She did not have surgery and did not receive radioactive iodine. Her Thyroid function is normal. Click here to see her before/after blood work.

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