Lessons for Recovery: A Case Highlight

Lessons for Recovery: A Case Highlight

Case Study: Chronic Indigestion, Eczema, Chronic Fatigue, Joint Pain, Depression | July 2015

Jenni is a 43 year old female that presented with a variety of symptoms including gas, bloating, fatigue, eczema, joint pain and depression. In just 4 months, she reports complete reversal of her symptoms and a much improved quality of life. In the process of getting well, she lost 12 pounds and her inflammatory index normalized (see pre/post lab work below).

Dr. Tener’s Comment’s:

An all too common scenario…

It is not uncommon for patients at The Goldberg Tener Clinic to have been diagnosed with multiple conditions. They see their Gastroenterologist for digestive issues, their Rheumatologist for joint pain, their Dermatologist for skin issues and if that weren’t enough, their Natural/Integrative/Complementary/Holistic/Functional Doctor for “Natural Remedies” to add to the mix. They often come to see us with bags full of medications, supplements and alternative treatments, all prescribed by different doctors managing each so called “disease.” What the patient and their doctors often fail to recognize is that each symptom or condition is a not separate and distinct issue, but rather a manifestation of causes that have not yet been addressed. Jenni’s case is a good example of this all to common scenario.

Jenni had been to see numerous practitioners including a General Practitioner for chronic fatigue and joint pain, a Gastroenterologist for her digestive issues, a Dermatologist for eczema and an OBGYN for hormonal imbalances/depression. Jenni’s case illustrates the connection between digestive disturbances and a variety of chronic health conditions including skin problems, chronic fatigue, joint pain and depression. As Jenni’s digestive function improved, her skin and energy level, joints and emotional state improved as well….all without treating symptoms but rather by addressing root underlying causes and employing the proper health promoting behaviors for proper function to be restored.

Pre/Post Laboratory Study

HsCRP is a marker of inflammation. The patient’s result was elevated initially and is now excellent at 0.1.

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