GCA Fall Conference

GCA Fall Conference


Many thanks to all the doctors who attended the recent seven-hour presentation The Autoimmune Plague: Clinical and Public Health Perspectives I gave at the Avalon Hotel as part of the GCA Fall Conference.

I appreciate all the positive feedback you have given me on this important clinical topic. I have spent the past forty-five years in seeing patients with these issues that are becoming increasingly complex and multi-faceted. The clinical and public health aspects of the topic are diverse and each patient presents as a unique individual.

Please feel free to contact me through our website at www.goldbergtenerclinic.com or through my e-mail at drpaulgoldberg@goldbergtenerclinic.com with any further questions or comments you might have. I enjoy being in contact with my fellow Doctors of Chiropractic as well as members of the GCA.

Good to see all of you including my many former students from Life College…and thank you for your support of the Georgia Chiropractic Association and allowing me the honor of addressing you.

My very best wishes,



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