
Mediation of Causes Rather Than Medication of Symptoms Paul A. Goldberg, MPH, DC, DACBN, DCBCN The Goldberg Tener Clinic for Chronic Disease Reversal This is a follow up to a prior article presented on IBD which can be viewed here: The number of people in...

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Jini Patel Thompson:

I’m Jini Patel Thompson from and we’re here today with Dr. Paul Goldberg and we’re going to be talking about all of the reasons patients are unable to get well. Dr. Paul Goldberg is a clinical epidemiologist, clinical nutritionist, and a chiropractic physician. He’s a professor at Life University in Georgia, which focuses on chiropractic and health sciences and he is also the Director of the Goldberg Clinic for chronic disease reversal.

So if at any point you want to get in touch with Dr. Goldberg, ask him some questions, maybe have a screening or whatnot, you can reach him

Paul, thank you so much for joining us today. This is a really exciting topic because this is one of the top frustrations that my readers come to me with. ‘I’m doing everything you say. I’m following the protocols, I’ve changed my diet, but I’m not seeing any progress. What’s going on?’

Dr. Paul Goldberg: Thanks for having me on, Jini. It’s a pleasure to be here with you. Yeah, I think it’s tough on a lot of people who are really trying their very, very best to get well. But as with any journey, no matter how far you walk to get to a destination, if you’re traveling in the wrong direction, you’re never going to get there. So people need to understand maybe some of the errors that they’re making in trying to get well, correct those errors and get themselves on the right path.

Systemic arthritic and other autoimmune disorders cause great suffering. Pain, disability, fatigue, loss of work and social life are all problems patients must endure, in addition to numerous side effects that are caused by utilizing medical pharmaceuticals. Patients with rheumatoid diseases suffer not only with...